by Bernedette Muthien
i wanted to offer you
raw liver
from my side
but instead will share with you
the vegetarian delight of storing
sunlight in my soul
radiating energy
that draws moths to flame
white hot air propels a plane
through spirals of time
where deadlines is not an oxymoron
how cosmetic on few pigment
can make drum skin vibrate
weave with kink
reclaim the need
to feed off others
flesh and/or energy
why you are me
and i you
distinct and one and many
this is how
i love you
Bernedette is a South African woman of colour who has devoted her life to strategic interventions on the issues of violence and gender equality in order to bring about a better future in South Africa, and a model for other parts of the world. She is co-founder of an indigenous scholar-activist network, the KhoeSan Women’s Circle, in addition to convenor of an international listserv of Native scholar-activists, Gender Egalitarian.